You are Not Alone
Whether you are working through grief, making end-of-life decisions, or preparing for times ahead, we have resources for you.

Call 808-435-3006 Ext 7 to leave message for our Chaplain.
- Self-Care after a Loss
- Kids and Grief
- Ways to Memorialize your Friend
- Suggested Reading
- Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement (online counseling)
Other Resources
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement offers articles, online chat groups, and other sources of comfort to those who need it.
The Hawaiian Humane Society offers a pet loss support group, currently meeting the first Tuesday of every month. Call 1-808-356-2222 to attend.
Iowa State University Pet Loss Support Hotline: 1-888-478-7574
Additional hotlines, websites and resources: Pet Loss Help